Company headquarters in Jedousov

Company headquarters in Jedousov

Our company headquarters in Jedousov is the first low-energy building made from Ekopanely boards in the country, constructed using an atypical system with no wooden supporting structure in 1999. As the firm expanded, in 2010 it became necessary to add new meeting and training rooms. This wooden building – extension – has already been constructed using our standard system with a wooden supporting structure. If you are interested in constructing a building made from Ekopanely boards, please come and visit us, where you will have the chance to see Ekopanely board structures.

Company headquarters in Jedousov


Other references

Our work and Ecopanely boards in practice

In 2023, an apartment building construction project was launched in the village ...
Our Estonian partner built this project during year 2018. It has more ...
Our partner in Estonia completed this unique project during 2018 near Pärnu ...
We supplied to our partner iSTRAW more than 5000 m2 of EKOPANELY ...
One completed project of our catalogue house “Alfa 140” was built during ...
Our partner in Bulgaria built in 2020 one of the best projects ...

Non-binding demand for Ekopanely boards

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